My Artwork
This page is to show off some of the "normal" art I've made ("normal" as in not wallpapers or icons or whatever). Click the thumbnail to see the full-sized image.
Me at 70 (unfinished)
missing-image: /art/artwork/old_dude_flattn.png
I thought it would be fun to draw what I'll look like when I'm 70. I never got around to finishing it, but I think you get the idea.
Psycho Clown
missing-image: /art/artwork/clowntn.jpg
For this one, my teacher made us glue buttons and stuff to a chunk of matboard, then draw it. I originally intended to make a smilie face, but it turned into a clown.
Pi Gud
missing-image: /art/artwork/yetitn.jpg
Okay, this one probably needs an explanation. In my A.P. Calculus class, we got to design a class tee-shirt. We had a running joke involving Sasquatch. So, naturally, one day when the rest of the class was going over the homework and I was patiently waiting for them to catch up with me, I flipped my sheet over and started drawing Sasquatch. Then I took it home, scanned it, traced it in Gimp, and bam! I had a tee-shirt design. The class couldn't make up its mind about whether to use my design or this other thing those of weaker stomachs designed, so we wound up having this on one half and the other on the other half.
Flamin Turtle
missing-image: /art/artwork/flaminturtletn.jpg
I like turtles. I like fire. I like sunglasses. 'Nuff said.
missing-image: /art/artwork/dnrtn.jpg
My teacher wanted us to make a billboard style deal using montage. I figured I'd make an ad for the D.N.R. (Department of Natural Resourses) using only fragments of animals and nature, so I did.
Pizza Head
missing-image: /art/artwork/pizzaheadtn.jpg
The teacher wanted us to draw our head like it had parts cut out, so I superimposed it on a flame. Then I thought, "What the heck, I'm stickin' a pizza behind it."
Tribute to Spaz
missing-image: /art/artwork/spaztn.jpg
The teacher wanted a black and white (no gray) picture honoring an artist or author. I chose Patrick Spaziante, one of the best artists to ever work on Archie's Sonic Comic series to date.
missing-image: /art/artwork/chopmunktn.png
Back when Neo Productions was working on Genetysis (an online game that never came to fruition), they asked for some ideas for monsters. I suggested Chopmunk, the crazy kungfu chipmonk.
Evil Drink
missing-image: /art/artwork/evildrinktn.png
I don't care for soft drinks. Give me a cold jug of milk straight from the bulk tank.

missing-image: /art/logos/mine/slice.svg